Red Wing Amsterdam on tour in Minnesota

Menno and Mitch of the Red Wing Store Amsterdam went to the annual Red Wing meeting in Minnesota, the home town of Red Wing Boots. The three day trip was packed with activity including a boat ride along the world famous Mississippi river, some American games and an impromptu game of Soccer - the Red Wing U.S.A. team v.s the Red Wing Europe team, of course Europe won! We then continued on to Minneapolis, a teaming city full of vintage Americana with industrial signage from a by gone age covering the old warehouses and shops. We visited Saint Paul for a day, a small town outside of the city centre where we searched the many vintage shops for Gems to stock the Tenue de Nîmes and Red Wing Amsterdam archive and for ourselves. It did not disappoint! In the evening we sampled some of the beers Minneapolis has to offer, there are over 100 breweries in the city and we tried at least half... After soaking up the hospitality and the cool industrial vibe of the city it was time to head home. Check out the pictures to get a small impression of what we experienced.
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