The Reestraat, where Red Wing Amsterdam is situated, was originally built in 1612 to connect the main canals of Amsterdam. Together with nine other side canals this became the ’9 streets’ area.
The Reestraat quickly developed as a destination for rich merchant families. Amongst them were fire shops, milk establishments, liqueur distilleries and craftsmen trading in leather and skins, giving the Reestreet - Ree is Dutch for Roe deer - it’s name. There couldn’t have been a better spot to open the Red Wing Amsterdam store.
More than 400 years later, the Nine Streets are still bustling with craft companies, special catering establishments, galleries and a unique range of small-scale, specialized and often authentic shops.
We are very honored to have our Red Wing Shoe Store in such a historic part of the Amsterdam city which attracts a fantastic energy every day of the week.