This month a new pair is launched in our shop, exclusive to the Red Wing Shoes Stores: the 4558 8" Classic Moc Toe in Oro-Russet Portage leather. A couple of weeks ago we shared this great news with our good friend and customer Sydney. He mentioned that he still had a vintage pair of his "Original Irish Setters" somewhere lying around his closet and he would bring them out to the store as soon as he would find them. They are well worn for several years and the leather is maintained quite good as you can tell. We just had to take some good caps of the shoes, which you can see here. That said, we will reveal you a little tip of the veil concerning the new "Nouvelle de Nîmes" which will soon be released by Tenue de Nîmes. The entire issue is dedicated to the Original Irish Setter in its original Oro Russet leather. It explores the origin and the timeline of the Oro Russet leather and people their experiences with the 8" boot.
We're really eager for the issue to be released, make sure you don't miss it!