Japanese Red Wing 8268's from 1992

The 8268 Engineer Abilene Rough-Out is in store for a while now and both Menno from Tenue de Nîmes and Mitch are going strong with their own pair. Mitch shared his recently on Instagram, with the results of what happens when your raw denims bleed their indigo on them. Since the 8268 was a Japan Only edition prior to its limited European release, there have been quite some Japanese that wore these beauties for a while already. We came across images of this marvelous pair from 1992 thanks to Life of my Own Way, and wanted to share the result of its wear-out process. The Abilene Rough-Out leather is really contagious, which is just what makes its aging process all the more beautiful. They are astononishing. We still have a small stock of the limited edition Red Wing 8268 Engineer Abilene Rough-Out, available here.
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