It is the ninth of july and starting from today you can get your very own Munson Ranger at the Red Wing Shoe Store Amsterdam. This great new pair of shoes is an elegant edition to our collection and a must have for any Red Wing Shoes lover. The soldiers last of Dr. Munson got, very early on, a special place in the history of Red Wing Shoes. During the First World War Red Wing was a major supplier of military footwear, therefore it comes as no surprise they adopted the Soldiers Last. After the war Red Wing Shoes started using the last on work boots as well. In the last range of the Munson work boots was a toe-capped boot, much like the famous Iron Ranger. This year the Munson Ranger is back! And available today! Not to forget, starting from tomorrow the Red Wing Post will be available as well. Make sure this marvelous publication will not pass you by. The Red Wing Post is filled with the great stories behind our products, cool articles about true craftsmen and lots of other great stuff. Not to forget this first publication is highly exclusive. You will only find them at The Red Wing Shoe Stores around Europe. So stop by to get yourself a pair of Munson Ranger and some great reading material tomorrow!