Red Wing Shoes presents: Made in the Land of Wheat and Maize

As part of an ongoing video series, Red Wing's Heritage division is partnering with independent characters who wear Red Wing boots to give a glimpse into each of their lives. The first video highlights Grammy Award-winning musician Justin Vernon of Bon Iver and Volcano Choir.

Justin Vernon, born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. A town which is just small enough to feel the sense of safeness, but just slightly big enough to not know everyone who lives there. For over thirty years Justin has lived their and still finds himself coming back. The simple and honest spaciousness of the midwest attracts him. Just a few miles down the road lies Fall Creek where Justin started his record company named April Base. A place of music where creativity is supplied to blossom and is a meeting place for the passionate.

Justin is quite fond of Red Wing and of course some of our focus was on the beautiful different pairs of Red Wings Justin wore.

"Since I was a little kid my uncle and my dad wore Red Wing. With Red Wing, I always thought the form and the function were at the highest level. They last a long time, and they are made down the road and I think thats important."

"Those are the things that I have always been interested in because they have permanence - and the biggest thing is, they don't break. I can wear them through any situation and then put them on again the next day and they are fine. When I'm outside working, or inside at the studio, it's good t have things you can depend on like that."

Hard work, quality and longevity, Justin Vernon noticeably has the midwestern spirit Red Wing embraces.