Girls on Red Wings

As time passes by Red Wing Shoes is expanding their group of buyers. One of these developments is a growing group of ladies who wear Red Wing Shoes. We must admit that this is a group of which we are particularly fond. When girls for example put on a tough pair of 877 8" Irish Setter Moc-toes, or the famous 8111 Amber Harness Iron Rangers the shoes get a form of elegance that is not visible when worn by men. Our dear friend Rene, from Tenue de Nîmes, took his yearly trip to the Bread & Butter Berlin convention this year again. During this trip he witnessed the elegance of girls wearing Red Wing Shoes himself and we are very happy that he immortalized this by shooting this picture. Both of the girls are wearing the iconic 875 6" Moc-toes in Oro-Legacy leather and are looking brilliant in them. We would love to see more girls wearing Red Wing Shoes, so do not hesitate to share pictures with us.
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