Nuno his Red Wing Shoes 875 Moc Toe's and Honda Dominator motorcycle

One huge benefit of having an online store and working with social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook on a daily basis, is getting in contact with Red Wing friends from all over the world. For example, this nice fellow called Nuno Amaral from Portugal. He bought the Red Wing Shoes 875 Classic Moc Toe in our online store. Luckely for us, Nuno shared some photos of him wearing his new boots on his motorcycle. Check out the side of his Honda Dominator bike from 1992, do you see the unique Red Wing Shoes detail? Nuno, you have got an amazing motorcycle and a great pair of boots, it's a match made in heaven! Enjoy them to the fullest!

Do you have a similar story to Nuno's? Feel free to share it with us via Instagram or email.
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